Helpful Information
We’ve collated information that will be useful for you if you are joining us, this includes health and safety information, rules and how to find us. Please read this carefully to ensure we can start our events promptly and you can have the best possible experience with us.
Application Form
Every participating player (or their parent/guardian where the player is under 18) will be required to complete an application form before they are allowed to participate, this must be signed and dated with all details completed.
Please read the rules and complete the application form prior to your session.
Please complete the application form ahead of the event where possible to ensure prompt check-in. This is an online-only process.
Venue Address
Queen Elizabeth Country Park, off of the A3, near Waterlooville, Hampshire
Laser Squad is situated near the top of Forest Drive, between the Dog Activity Course and Juniper Adventure Play Area. Look out for our flag banner on the right hand side where you turn into the car parking area dedicated to our event. Do not park at the Visitor Centre, proceed in a vehicle approximately 0.7 miles following Forest Drive.
Queen Elizabeth Country Park has plenty of parking, both in our dedicated parking area and in close proximity – all visitors are required to pay for parking directly to Queen Elizabeth Country Park via their payment terminals situated in various locations across the park. Please note a 20 minute drop-off period is in place where you are not charged for parking BUT you cannot leave participants alone if the group organiser is not present or has not taken responsibility for them.
What should I bring with me?
Please ensure players wear appropriate footwear at all times, we recommend trainers or walking shoes for comfort and to provide you with support while you are playing. Players not wearing the correct footwear may be refused to play e.g., open toe shoes.
Please ensure players wear appropriate clothes for the weather conditions. Long sleeves and long trousers are recommended as scratches from bushes and trees are likely and there’s a higher risk of trips, slips and falls in the woodland playing areas. Laser tag will run in all weather conditions. It is recommended to wear trousers and long sleeved tops owing to the setting for our event being in woodland and the potential for nettles, wildlife, ticks etc in proximity to our playing areas.
You may wish to bring snacks with you for after your session as you may feel tired. We recommend players bring a bottle of water.
Please use sun cream for hot weather.
You must not play if you require medication and do not have it with you.
If your child is taking part without an adult on the playing field, we ask that the adult remains on-site throughout the session.
You will be provided with a coloured team bib on arrival, which must be worn at all times throughout the event.
Health and Safety – COVID 19 specific
Hand sanitiser will be available for players if they wish to use it. Taggers are cleansed between sessions and headsets have their hygiene bands replaced.
Finding us at Queen Elizabeth Country Park