Rules & Safety

Safety Rules

General safety rules

  • Taggers must not to be used as a baton or to strike other players, taggers must only be fired from standing or lying positions. 
  • No running with raised guns. 
  • Outdoors – when playing in a field, players will be able to run. However, due to weather conditions players may be asked to walk rather than run. When playing in woodland, players need to be aware of the extra natural hazards such as branches, tree roots and wet leaves and it may also be necessary to instruct players to only walk subject to our risk assessment.
  • Inside – players must only walk when playing. 
  • It is forbidden for players to climb on the hides, tents, trees and control points or any other natural or man-made feature.  
  • Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated, participants may be asked to leave the game if found to be involved in either. 
  • No food, drinks or chewing gum should be taken into the play field. 
  • All players must ensure they are not late for their session, a safety brief will be provided, late arrival may mean refusal to play. 


  • Parents must not enter the playing area, if they have any concerns they must speak to a marshal, a marshal will then remove their child from the play field 
  • All children remain the responsibility of their parent or guardian at all times

Every participating player (or their parent/guardian) will be required to complete an application form before they are allowed to participate, this must be signed and dated with all details completed.